Bioclear sectional matrix system number 1 over the world
Made in the USA
Buying one of the Intro kits is the best option to try the different shapes of the matrices so that you can build your own opinion.
BIOCLEAR Anterior intro kit contains:
2 * upper Mesial A101
2 * Upper Distal A102
2 * Small Incisors A103
2 * Upper Mesial Diastema Closure DC201
2 * Upper Distal Diastema Closure DC202
2 * Small Incisors Diastema Closure DC203
BIOCLEAR Posterior intro kit contains:
4 * Biofit HD 4.5mm
4 * Biofit HD 5.5mm
4 * Biofit HD 6.5mm
BIOCLEAR Evolve Sample Pack Contains :
5 * Diamond wedges, 1 of each size
22 * Bioclear Evolve Matrices, 2 of each size
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